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Webinar: About Autism in Toddlers and the ASD Video Glossary

Who should attend?

This free webinar series is for families, professionals, college students, or anyone else interested in learning about autism. This webinar series is a companion to our About Autism in Toddlers online course that is free to the public.

What will we cover?

This webinar series will help you learn about the core diagnostic features and early signs of autism in toddlers and see early intervention in action.

Each webinar will cover the following agenda:

  • What is autism and what are the early signs in toddlers?
  • Watch video clips together — Practice observing early signs of autism and see early intervention in action
  • How Autism Navigator online courses and tools can help you
We will feature new content and videos each webinar to cover key topics in About Autism in Toddlers.

When is this scheduled?

This webinar series is scheduled once a month and continues year-round. Join anytime, attend once or come back when you can.

  • Day: 1st Friday of each month (barring holidays)
  • Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00pm (Eastern Time)

Why is attending important?

By attending, you are joining a community of learners watching videos together and sharing their experiences, questions, and encouragement. We cannot record our webinars because we show photos and videos of our families, so make sure to attend.

How do I register?

Register for our About Autism in Toddlers webinars here. This is a recurring monthly webinar series. Register once, and you will receive monthly reminders to attend.


Please note: The use of AI note-taking or recording products violates our Terms of Use and is strictly prohibited during our webinars.

How do I get to the Feedback Survey and Attendance Certificate Request Form?

Links to each are below.

Feedback SurveyRequest an Attendance Certificate

Where can I find Tools for this webinar?

Be sure to go to the Tools page we created for this webinar and our About Autism in Toddlers course. In Tools, you can find print materials on information covered in the webinar and course, links to information about autism from other websites and important e-documents. You can also find the script of the audio narration in our About Autism in Toddlers course.

About Autism in Toddlers Tools

You can find our Tools page and much more when you enroll in our About Autism in Toddlers course.

Where can I learn about Autism Navigator courses for families?

Find out about our online courses for families and how to enroll at

  • About Autism in Toddlers for families to learn about early signs of autism with videos of over a dozen toddlers with autism at 18–24 months and see early intervention in action.
  • ASD Video Glossary is perfect when families want more information—there are hundreds of side-by-side video clips illustrating diagnostic features and treatment models to consider.
  • How-To Guide for Families is a 15-hour course — families can get started learning evidence-based intervention strategies to use in activities they are already doing to support their child’s learning and development and see meaningful changes.

How families can enroll in the How-To Guide for free?

If you are a family member of a child with a delay or suspected of having autism and you have attended our About Autism in Toddlers webinar, you may request a free enrollment code to enroll in our Autism Navigator How-To Guide for Families course. To request a code, please complete this brief request form. 

Host and Panelists for this Webinar from the Florida State University Autism Institute

  • Dr. Amy M. Wetherby • Director and Distinguished Research Professor, FSU College of Medicine
  • Lerena Fleck, MS • Autism Consultant for the FSU Center for Autism and Related Disabilities
  • Patricia Armstrong, MSW • Autism Navigator Master Coach & Global Trainer
  • Joy Moore, SLP • Autism Navigator Master Coach & Global Trainer
  • Mara Szymkowiak, SLP • ESI & Autism Navigator Master Coach in Training

Not sure where to go? We’re here to help: [email protected].