Monthly Webinar Update: March 2023

As we watch the first spring flowers appear from the ground, we are reminded of new beginnings. Babies are all about new beginnings and the potential for growth, development, and hope for the future.
This is a great time of year to offer help to families with all the resources and tools they need to celebrate and support their child’s development.
- Help a family join Baby Navigator so they can track their baby’s milestones from 1 to 24 months and find out how to support their child’s learning in everyday activities with our Social Communication Growth Charts.
- For pediatricians and other primary care providers, apply to have your own Baby Navigator Provider Portal, where we offer new surveillance and screening tools to use with families in your practice and identify children with language and communication delays and autism earlier. Read more. Apply for your own Portal. Apply here.
- Flip through our new 16 Early Signs of Autism Lookbook to learn what signs to look for in children 9 to 16 months of age. Catching communication and language delays early can prevent problems later with behavior, learning, reading, and social interaction.
For professionals working with families, we offer two 6-week webinar series:
- Detecting small gaps early can prevent delays later. Enroll in our course on Social Communication Development in Infants and Toddlers (SC•DIT) and register for our free SC•DIT webinar offered as a 6-week series. The winter series started on February 1st, but you can still join the last 3 sessions on Wednesday, March 1st, 8th, and 15th at 1:00pm ET. For any sessions you miss, you can register for the spring series, which starts on Friday, May 3rd. Learn more and register.
- Coaching Families of Young Children with ASD Using the ESI Model (Spring Series) — this 6-week, evidence-based webinar series starts on Wednesday, March 22nd from 12 noon to 1:30pm ET. The Autism Navigator team will share the active ingredients to coach parents using the ESI model to support their child’s learning in everyday activities. Learn more and register.
For families with children with social communication delays, challenging behavior, or suspect their child has autism, get started right away to support your child’s learning in everyday activities. We offer three family webinars in March:
- What does it take to learn to talk? Baby Navigator brings this free webinar to you at 1:00pm ET on Thursday, March 2nd and 16th at 1:00pm ET. Learn how simple interactions — in activities parents are already doing each day with their babies — create learning opportunities needed to support brain development. Learn more and register.
- About Autism in Toddlers — On the first Friday of each month at 12:00 noon ET, we offer our About Autism in Toddlers webinar, a companion to our signature course that is FREE for everyone. Join us on March 3rd. Learn more and register.
- How-To Guide for Families — Join us on Tuesday, March 14th and 28th at 1:00pm ET to get started right away if you suspect your child has autism. Learn evidence-based strategies to engage your child in everyday activities and help develop your child’s social communication skills. Learn more and register.
Visit our webinar page to learn about all 12 of our webinars. Use the calendar view to plan your schedule. Visit our courses page to learn more about Autism Navigator online courses that expand on the content of our webinars. All our webinars are FREE, but you must register.
Please help us spread the word by sharing this email with professionals, families, and friends in your social networks. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming courses and webinars.