Monthly Webinar Update: January 2023

As we begin this new year and make resolutions to improve our lives, let’s carve out a little time to improve the lives of young children. No better way than to have families register at Baby Navigator. With Baby Navigator, families can track their baby’s progress and learn how to encourage the magic of learning to talk.
Pediatricians and other primary care providers can now apply to have their own Baby Navigator Provider Portal, where we offer new surveillance and screening tools to use with families in your practice and identify children with language and communication delays and autism earlier. If you invest just a little time this month getting families to join, you can change a child’s developmental trajectory. We will support and guide you and your families. Help families start early and support their child’s learning in everyday moments. Learn more about the Baby Navigator Provider Portal. Read more. Apply for your own Portal. Apply here.
For professionals who screen and diagnose or determine eligibility, we have two webinars for you to learn how to improve early detection of autism:
- Improving Early Detection of Autism with an Eye Toward Infancy — This special webinar will sharpen your observation skills of the early signs of autism in infants and toddlers and offer practical strategies on using Baby Navigator for surveillance and screening to engage families earlier. This webinar is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, rotating between 5:30 and 8:30pm ET. Join us on Tuesday, January 10th at 8:30pm ET. Read more and register.
- Sharpen Your Observation Skills Using the SORF for Earlier Detection — This advanced webinar offers a unique training opportunity to practice observing early signs of autism and to score the SORF. This webinar is held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. Join us on Thursday, January 12th and 26th at 12:30pm ET. Read more and register.
For parents, we encourage you to join Baby Navigator when you’re pregnant, as soon as your baby is born, or any time until your baby’s 2nd birthday at 24 months. When you join Baby Navigator, you are creating your account to My Baby Navigator that will be customized for your baby’s age, with links to resources that grow as your baby grows. The earlier you join, the more resources you can be using as your baby is growing. Once you join Baby Navigator, we will send you weekly reminders and update the resources in your account on your baby’s monthly birthday. You can decide what you want to do and fill out as your baby grows.
For families with children with social communication delays, challenging behavior, or suspect their child has autism, get started right away to support your child’s learning in everyday activities. We offer three family webinars in January:
- What does it take to learn to talk? Baby Navigator brings this free webinar to you at 1:00pm ET on the first and third Thursday each month, which in January is the 5th and 19th. Come watch videos together that show how to turn activities you’re doing everyday into learning moments for your baby. Read more and register.
- About Autism in Toddlers — On the first Friday of each month at 12:00 noon ET, we offer our About Autism in Toddlers webinar, a companion to our signature course that is FREE for everyone. Our first Friday for this month is on January 6th and next month’s is on February 2nd. Read more and register.
- How-To Guide for Families — Join us on Tuesday, January 10th or 24th at 1:00pm ET to get started right away if you suspect your child has autism. Learn evidence-based strategies to engage your child in everyday activities and help develop your child’s social communication skills. Read more and register.
And finally, for professionals working with families, mark your calendars for two upcoming winter Webinar Series starting February 1: Social Communication Development in Infants and Toddlers (SC•DIT) and Autism Navigator for Classroom Success in PreK through 2nd Grade. Learn more and register.
Visit our webinar page to learn about all 12 of our webinars. Use the calendar view to plan your schedule. Visit our courses page to learn more about Autism Navigator online courses that expand on the content of our webinars. All our webinars are FREE, but you must register.
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Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2023.