Helping a family get started right away can have a lifetime impact

If a professional has concerns about a child’s development or suspects a child has autism, helping the family get started right away can have a lifetime impact on the child’s outcome. If a family has concerns about their child’s development or suspects their child has autism, families can get started right away by joining Baby Navigator and using our tools and resources. Waiting can result in the loss of precious months or years. Especially because your baby’s brain is developing at an amazing rate.
Before you say, let’s wait and see, think about this . . .
During the first 2 years, babies form 1 million new synaptic connections per second (Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University). During this critical period of dramatic growth, elaborate brain circuits are forming and a baby’s experiences have the greatest potential to shape their developing brain.
Now think about the millions of synaptic connections forming in a baby’s brain during just the minute it took to read this. By catching social communication delays or signs of autism early, families can learn how to support their baby’s development in activities they are already doing everyday . . . and this can shape their baby’s developing brain, which is much easier than having to intervene later.
Here’s what can help a family get started right away to make a big difference in their child’s life.
- Learn what signs to look for in children 9 to 16 months of age by flipping through our new 16 Early Signs of Autism Lookbook. In just 10 minutes, you can learn the early signs of autism.
- Invite families to join us on the 2nd or 4th Tuesday of each month (barring holidays) for our free webinar, How-To Guide for Families, where they will learn evidence-based strategies to engage their child in everyday activities and help develop their child’s social communication skills. Read more and register. Professionals are welcome too. Families who attend this webinar get a free enrollment in our How-ToGuide for Families course.
- Learn how early signs of language delay and autism can impact a child’s development and what you can do about it — all at Baby Navigator. If you see something that doesn’t seem quite right — like when a baby doesn’t look right at you or respond to their name, rarely uses gestures or sounds, gets overly focused on a particular toy, or is more interested in objects than people — our tools, courses, and resources can help guide families. Learn more.
With encouragement and referrals, a family can move forward right away. Remember, catching communication and language difficulties early can prevent potential problems later with behavior, learning, reading, and social interaction. The time is now to change a child’s life.
Visit our webinar page to learn about all 12 of our webinars. Use the calendar view to plan your schedule. Visit our courses page to learn more about Autism Navigator online courses that expand on the content of our webinars. All our webinars are FREE, but you must register.